“Who you are informs what you do, how you act, and how you interact with the world around you.”
Liza Talusan, identity-conscious approach to practice
Want Dr. Talusan’s Official Bio? Click here to read more about her accomplishments and achievements in education, strategic partnership, research, and leadership.
Looking for her bio to read at the start of an event? Click here (and note there is a section where you can personalize the opening statement).
My unofficial bio:
I’m a Mom, Partner, Daughter, and Sister. My family is everything to me, and I have always made choices in my life that have centered my human connection with my family. I’m grateful for the sacrifices of my parents and ancestors who dreamed big dreams for me and my siblings.
It’s never too late - much of what I have accomplished in my life came after my mid-30s:
At age 36, I decided to pursue and complete my doctorate.
At age 41, I decided to revisit my pursuit of earning my black belt.
At age 46, I published my first book.
At age 47, I decided to challenge myself and connect my passion for running and travel.
At age 47, I finally earned that black belt!
At age 48, I ran portions of the Swiss Alps starting in Switzerland, to France, to Italy, and then back to Switzerland again!
At age 49, I published my second book.
By age 49, I have had 10 surgeries - five of those happened in the past four years (thanks to running and karate at this advanced age!)
My three dogs are my pack.
I hate scary movies.
My family makes fun of me for having zero-tolerance for spicy food.
I love roller coasters and thrill rides.
I love cotton candy way too much.