
I got into this work knowing that "work of consequence has consequences." So, I'm no stranger to the consequences that require me to speak truth. 

But what does it mean to you to "do work of consequence?" 

For me, it means I RISE UP. Every time. (NOTE: thank you to this song and the incredible Andra Day who has gotten me through a difficult time in my life) 

I RISE UP because the work is never about me -- it's about US.

I RISE UP because the liberation of others is tied into the liberation of my own mind, heart and power.

I RISE UP because the freedom of others is oftentimes shackled by the privileges I hold.

I RISE UP because the cause is greater than my consequence.

I RISE UP because those who came before me gave me their shoulders, their backs and their tired legs so that I can carry on the work they started. 

I RISE UP because I am lifting higher those who stand on my shoulders, backs and tired legs.

I RISE UP because I hold privileged identities that are given systemic power.

I RISE UP because I know that freedom is never free. 

I RISE UP because I believe that until we are all free, no one is. 

I RISE UP because my children are watching and learning about what justice means.

I RISE UP because my silence teaches them dangerous lessons. 

I RISE UP because I am afraid. I RISE UP because I am unafraid. 

I RISE UP because I live a life of consequence.

I RISE UP because I sleep the sleep of the just.

I RISE UP because my legacy is not my action. My legacy is what I do and give long after I am gone.

On a deeply personal note, thank you. Thank you to all those who RISE UP. Thank you to all those who RISE UP even when you are afraid, worried, or have a lot to lose. Our world will always be filled with those who make decisions for us, who distract us from justice, and who make us feel small.


Move mountains, 

