Changing the Complexion diversity, education, kids, parenting, predominantly white, privilege, racial identityLizaJuly 8, 2009racism, the Valley Club
The Importance of Reference kids, parenting, privilege, UncategorizedLizaOctober 15, 2008diversity of families, gay families, talking to children about gay marriage
Introducing... White Privilege diversity, privilege, UncategorizedLizaSeptember 20, 2008white privilege
Teleseminar on Anti-Racist Parenting biracial, diversity, education, kids, parenting, predominantly white, presentations, privilege, racial identity, UncategorizedLizaJuly 8, 2008color blind, diversity, education, Liza Talusan, parenting, racial identity, racism, teaching, teleseminar
Is Privilege Offensive? education, privilege, racial identity, UncategorizedLizaJune 8, 2008activism, advocacy, anti-racist, Asian, Boston, disempower, diversity, guilt, injustice, institutionalized racism, knapsack, Latino, marriage, oppression, power, privilege, race, ugly, Uncategorized, wealthy, white people, woman
Tools for Teaching Diversity in a Diversity Free Zone biracial, diversity, education, kids, parenting, predominantly white, presentations, privilege, racial identity, UncategorizedLizaJune 6, 2008books, college, curriculum, diversity, diversity-free, homeless, Intercultural, movies, music, Native American, savior, teaching, Uncategorized, underrepresented, volunteer, White