Changing the Complexion diversity, education, kids, parenting, predominantly white, privilege, racial identityLizaJuly 8, 2009racism, the Valley Club
Is There a Right Way? anti-racism, co-workers, diversity, kids, parenting, predominantly white, racial identityLizaJanuary 4, 2009Black, children, parenting, race conversation, racism
Think/Don't Think UncategorizedLizaNovember 9, 2008Catholic, political identity, post-election, racism
THE SKY IS FALLING... THE SKY IS FALLING educationLizaOctober 28, 2008Columbus Day, discovery of America, history learned in school, Pilgrims and Indians, racism, Thanksgiving
Been swamped ... so I'm just linking to others this week! UncategorizedLizaOctober 12, 2008Asian vote, Carmen VanKerckhove, racism, voting
Are You Kidding Me? diversity, predominantly white, racial identityLizaAugust 12, 2008chinese eyes, olympics, racism, spanish basketball team
Who are the people in your network? diversity, education, parenting, predominantly white, racial identityLizaAugust 10, 2008anti-racism, anti-racist work, diversify professionals, diversity, merit and race, people of color and jobs, racial identity, racism, the bead exercise
A Great Parenting Post diversity, kids, parenting, racial identityLizaAugust 4, 2008diversity lesson, parenting, racism
Nursery Rhymes diversity, education, kids, parenting, racial identityLizaJuly 14, 2008children's books, diversity, multicultural, racism
AMA Apologizes for Racism education, medicine, racial identityLizaJuly 11, 2008AMA, apology, diversity, Filipino, medicine, race, racism, recruitment, retention
Teleseminar on Anti-Racist Parenting biracial, diversity, education, kids, parenting, predominantly white, presentations, privilege, racial identity, UncategorizedLizaJuly 8, 2008color blind, diversity, education, Liza Talusan, parenting, racial identity, racism, teaching, teleseminar
What Makes Them Whole blind, disability, kids, parenting, UncategorizedLizaJune 21, 2008ableism, anti-racist, blind, disability, diversity, friends, racism